TIPS (Trans-jugular Intrahepatic PortosystemicSshunt) is used to treat liver disease or disorders of the veins to the liver which are causing problems such as bleeding or fluid build-up in the abdomen.  Physicians create a shunt (a new route for blood to flow)  from the deep abdominal veins to the veins leading to the heart, which decompresses the deep veins and reduces risk of bleeding and ascites (abdominal fluid). This procedure is minimally invasive and performed through a small skin incision at the neck vein under X-ray guidance.  

Typical Experience

  • TIPS will be performed in the interventional suite under general anesthesia (“asleep”). You will not feel anything under anesthesia.
  • After the procedure and recovery from anesthesia, most patients do not feel substantial pain. Some patients might feel a little sore in the neck, or minor pain over their liver area. You will stay overnight, and possibly longer.
  • As with any major procedure, minor or major complications are possible. Above is simply a brief description of a typical experience, and a full explanation of the procedure and its risks will be provided when you visit your doctor before the procedure. You may also refer to the links below under ‘Resources’.


How to Prepare

  • Do not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before procedure, except for sips of water with your usual medications.
  • Bring your medications and anything you need to stay overnight.
  • Please take your usual medications except for blood thinners. If you are on blood thinners (e.g. aspirin, Plavix, Coumadin, lovenox, or others) please ask for instructions 1 week in advance of procedure.
  • Report to Jonsson Admitting (first floor of Jonsson building at the Baylor University Medical Center) in the morning at the time given to you by our office.
  • Plan to have somebody else drive you home the next day. Most patients leave at about noon but this may vary. Some people stay for more than one day.
  • If you are allergic to X-ray dye (contrast material), please inform our office days in advance and make certain you obtain and take the prescribed pre-medications (Methylprednisolone [prescription] and Benadryl [OTC]).



For more details about this procedure and its possible risks, please schedule an appointment with one of our physicians at 214-827-1600. You may also refer to the following discussions:

Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt (TIPS) –  Medline Plus