Endovascular Stent Graft

Endovascular stent grafts are composed of metal stents covered in fabric. They are used to open clogged blood vessels or treat aneurysms, and are placed into the arteries through catheters. They may be placed through a small skin puncture, or in some cases using small incisions in the groin. Stent grafts provide a much less invasive way to fix these conditions compared to conventional surgical repair.


Typical Experience

  • The procedure may be performed in the interventional suite while you are receiving sedation and opiate analgesia (“twilight anesthesia”) or may be performed in the operating room under general anesthesia (“asleep”) depending on various factors.
  • Please discuss the details of the planned procedure with your physician, as it may vary between patients and type of problem treated.
  • As with any major procedure, minor or major complications are possible. Above is simply a brief description of a typical experience, and a full explanation of the procedure and its risks will be provided when you visit your doctor before the procedure.


How to Prepare

  • Do not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before procedure, except for sips of water with your usual medications.
  • Bring your medications and anything you need to stay overnight even if you will most likely be discharged the same day.
  • Please take your usual medications except for blood thinners.
  • Plan to have somebody else drive you home.
  • If you are allergic to X-ray dye (contrast material), please inform our office days in advance and make certain you obtain and take the prescribed pre-medications (Methylprednisolone [prescription] and Benadryl [OTC]).
  • For further instructions, please discuss with physician.



For more details about Endovascular stent grafts and their possible risks, please schedule an appointment with one of our physicians at 214-827-1600. You may also refer to the following discussions:

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms – Society of Interventional Radiology

Angioplasty and Stenting – Society of Interventional Radiology